Qiklock Australia values your privacy and takes every effort in protecting the information you provide us.
Personal information we collect may include:
Delivery Address
Email Address
Telephone Number
Mobile Number
The personal information we collect from you will be used:
To deliver the products you have purchased.
To communicate with you during the delivery process of the product and for customer support purposes.
Security Of Your Personal Information
We recommend that you do not use insecure channels to communicate sensitive or confidential information to us.
All information we collect will be safely and securely stored.
We protect your personal information by:
Restricting access to personal information.
Securely destroying your personal information when it’s no longer needed.
Disclosure Of Personal Information
We value our customers and will not share your information with any other organisations.
Your information may be disclosed in connection with any purposes for any of the following:
Our employees or service providers to the extent that it is necessary to provide services to you. This may include couriers and payment processors providers.
If required by law to any person such authorised by law. This may include the police service, ambulance service or government departments or regulators within Australia in connection with Law enforcement activities and
For any other purpose permitted by law.
If any changes to this policy occur, we will endeavour to notify you by updating this section of our website
however, we encourage you to check our website regularly for any updates to this policy.
By continuing to use our website or our services you are indicating your agreement to this policy.
Read more about:
Terms of Service
Shipping & Returns